Start the TTS Engine and the Vocalocity Voice Browser

The TTS engine must be running when you start the Vocalocity Voice Browser. Use the appropriate section based on the TTS engine you are using.

Starting Speechify

If you installed and plan to use RealSpeak 4.0, you do not need to perform the procedures in this section.

To start Speechify:

1 As user root, copy the scripts and change them to executables.

cp /opt/VocalOS/Server/server/nodeserver/bin/start-Speechify*/usr/local/bin

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-Speechify*

2 Run the following command to start Speechify:

cd /usr/local/bin


Starting RealSpeak

If you installed and plan to use Speechify 3.0, you do not need to perform the procedures in this section.

To start RealSpeak:

1 Run the following command to verify that RealSpeak is up and running:

ps -ef | grep ttsserver

If it is running, you will see the following:

root 21918 1 99 Jul12 ? 1-17:53:16 ./ttsserver – c /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/config/ttsserver.xml

2 If it is not running, enter the following command:


Starting the Vocalocity Voice Browser

To start the Vocalocity Voice Browser:

The VocalOS server must be running first for calls to be processed.

1 As the user excel, run the following command:

vocalos start

2 Run the following command to tail the log file to tell when the Vocalocity Voice Browser is fully started:

pushed /opt/VocalOS/Server/server/nodeserver/log

tail -F Server/server/nodeserver/log/server.log

You see something similar to the following:

Completed loading in 36s 247ms